why do people don't like the person that talk too much ?


There are a few reasons why people may not like someone who talks too much. Here are a few possible explanations:

Lack of listening: If someone talks too much, they may not allow others to speak or contribute to the conversation. This can be seen as rude and disrespectful, and may lead others to feel like the person is not interested in hearing their thoughts or ideas.

Lack of consideration: Someone who talks too much may not consider the feelings or needs of others. For example, they may monopolize a conversation or speak at length on a topic that is not interesting to the other person.

Lack of self-awareness: Someone who talks too much may not realize that they are dominating the conversation or that their behavior is bothering others. They may lack self-awareness and be unaware of the impact they are having on others.

Lack of social skills: Someone who talks too much may not have developed strong social skills, and may not know how to engage in conversations in a way that is respectful and considerate of others.

Overall, people may not like someone who talks too much because they come across as self-absorbed, inconsiderate, or lacking in social skills.

 It is important for all of us to be mindful of our communication habits and try to listen and engage with others in a respectful and balanced way.

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